Dienstag, 17. April 2018

Bielefeld gibt es doch!, Satire

Bielefeld gibt es doch!
Von Joana Angelides

Bildergebnis für atlantis

Am Anfang des Internetzeitalters hieß es plötzlich, Bielefeld gibt es gar nicht, ist eine Erfindung der CIA, doch das stellte sich dann als falsch heraus, als manche den Straßenschildern folgten und Bielefeld tatsächlich fanden.  Außerdem meldeten sich einige Leute, die schon dort waren.
Hunderttausende Internetnutzer haben in den vergangenen Tagen eine Theorie über den „Australien-Hoax“ gelesen. Der Kontinent soll gar nicht existieren! (Wir schreiben das Jahr 2018!)
Das behaupten seit Jahren Verschwörungstheoretiker im Netz eine Facebook-Userin namens Shelly Floryd hat nun „Fakten“ gesucht und ihre bizarren Recherchen auf Facebook verbreitet. Sie meint, Australien sei eine Erfindung der Briten gewesen, die ab dem Ende des 18 Jahrhundert behaupteten Häftlinge dorthin zu schicken, diese aber tatsächlich exekutierten! Seit damals sei eine gigantische Vertuschungsaktion im Gange um die Illusion von Australien aufrechtzuerhalten. Was natürlich sofort tausende auf den Plan rief, die dagegen protestierten, vor allem die Australier! Wer kennt ihn nicht, den „Crocodile-Dundee“?? Na also!
Schon viele haben immer wieder Gebiete aufgezeigt, die es angeblich gar nicht gibt! Einmal wurde sogar Finnland verleugnet. Da hat sich einer verfahren und als er aus dem Wald rauskam, war er in Russland!
Einige suchen noch immer Schlaraffenland, denn das muss es einfach geben! Man erzähl sich, da fliegen gebratene Hähnchen durch die Luft und die Mauern sind aus Pudding! Einer wird es vielleicht eines Tages doch finden!
Liliput ist jedenfalls gefunden worden, ist hinter den sieben Bergen und seine Bewohner machen uns das Leben schwer, indem sie Nachtens Unordnung in unsere Sachen bringen und die Socken aus der Waschmaschine stehlen!
Dann gibt es wieder die Verschwörungstheoretiker, die es umgekehrt machen. Sie verleugnen einfach Länder oder Staaten, die es sehr wohl gibt, damit sie keine Steuern zahlen müssen, oder müssten!
Und da ist dann noch das Paradies! Das hat es wirklich einmal für jeden von uns gegeben, doch leider gibt es da einen Apfelbaum! Wer da einen Apfel klaut wird sofort ausgebürgert! Viele sehnen sich dann zurück und einigen gelingt es ja, ihr eigenes Paradies auf Erden neu zu erschaffen! Außer es spuckt ihnen dann irgendeine Schlange in die Suppe!
Eine Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde hat schon Jules Verne versucht und es ist ihm gelungen! Ein Erdteil im Inneren des Globus, mit Wäldern, Fauna und Flora, Wasserfällen und Gebirgen. Was da fehlt ist die Sonne! Daher müssen wir da nicht unbedingt hin.
Atlantis läuft man nun schon seit Jahrhunderten nach.  Alle vermutet es unter dem Meer. Da ist ja vielleicht was Wahres dran, wenn es alle sagen? Versunken soll es sein, von einem Erdbeben hinuntergedrückt. Es wartet angeblich, dass wir es wiederfinden. Es wird dann von Meerespflanzen überwuchert sein, von Korallen versteinert und von Kraken bewohnt sein. Ob wir das zurück wollen?
Die Grenze zwischen Satire und Verschwörungstheorie ist nicht immer leicht zu erkennen!
Also hat jeder sein eigenes  „fernes Land“, oder sein Traumland.

Es gibt zahlreiche Kurzgeschichten, Märchen, Erotik-e-Books, einige Romane und Gedichte von mir! Fast alles in e-Books zusammengefasst! Download von amazon, Thalia Libri und allen Großhändlern!Großes Lesevergnügen um wenig Geld!

Montag, 16. April 2018

The Year is 2203, english

The year is 2203 
by Joana Angelides

Bildergebnis für rentner mit krücke
People doing almost no work more manually, everything is done by machines and vending machines. Well, almost everything.
Ninety percent of the adult population is engaged in inventing such machines and vending machines and construct.
The remaining ten percent are busy, keep communication up.
After all, should the further development, and management and information are kept in flux.
Housework such as heard in this millennium in the realm of fairy tales and legends.
Is our already cute female robot 210th with the type number We have it from the catalog for ministering robots, division budget.
There was a small debate between my wife and me. I was able to prevail in this case, however, finally. She wanted a male robot with black hair and dark eyes, the type number 209, but I liked the blond, blue-eyed female Type 210 better. This resulted from the fact that this type had such a sweet streamlined extension of the back and reminded me once again to our first female domestic help Type 201, which unfortunately had a short total loss. She washed my back up one morning and came accidentally under the running shower.
We had to do without a warranty replacement, as the Type 201 was not approved for wet rooms.

My wife threw a short hand then type 201 in the metal press and I have a wistful look after.
Our kitchen is fully automated and controlled by time clocks.
To point 8.ooh morning is the coffee ready and the door of the oven opens and fresh bread to slide out onto a wire rack. Our new house robot then takes with her charming fingers clamp the roll and deliver it to the breakfast table, to the already arranged plates and bowls. In her large eyes blink twice and also twice she nods her head. At noon she raises additionally both hands and turn the palms outward, a distinction must finally be yes.
In the original version had delivered the two buffers on the front that had installed a sensor in order to avoid the edgy to furniture pieces, two flashing red light, but which has screwed my wife out. It makes them nervous. A pity, she reminded me of something.
Whenever a dish or plate to the ground falls and shatters, triggered rolling through the noise, a small vacuum cleaner out of his compartment under the sink sucks the pieces on greedy and crushed them like a garbage disposal and transfer it thereafter by his long hose the drain.
Our budget includes robot then equipped with long eyelashes eye patches and says with a synthetic, but make absolutely, nasal voice:
"Sorry indead"
All domestic workers are "very British".
The robot series 600, are for the garden and pool cleaning of French production.
In particular, the gardener always reminds me of Paris and a Travestishow. Maybe because he always easy to walk the left hand and raises his head to and fro. But perhaps I am imagining the only one. It is perhaps also the small metal container, which the gardener with tools and pliers, always worn over the shoulder. It reminds me of a small bag.
My wife thinks it's a shame that there are no more drivers. All cars are now computerized. She recalls stories told by her grandmother, who has done it again by her grandmother, that especially the Italian and French drivers were very charming and had whistled rather frivolous songs. So, my driver would make a whistling just nervous. I also like frivolous texts better when they are sung.
In my office computer, besides me only one service technician who is responsible for all computer and computer in the house.
The doors open when you approach automatically, the elevator responds to verbal command and is also automatically transferred to the individual floors.
His synthetic voice is emotionless and has never grumpy or tired. Only once in all the years it happened that the voice faltered a little and it sounded like hiccups, as one of the last robot in the Type 500 a box tipped over with champagne and it broke some bottles. The liquid flowed into all cracks and joints and the lift stopped at once. We had to be freed by the service robot.
And so it was just that the elevator mastered the rest of the service is very poor, with some twitching and jerking and the voice occasionally wavered.

The voice was still two days something quieter and more hesitant, but after a service in the General Nachstunden it worked again without complaint.
I managed to get assigned to my office for a female robot Office.
I opted for the Type 301, with blue eyes and blond hair plugged. I have chosen him from the catalog and made sure he had a certain similarity to Type 201, we had to be scrapped, unfortunately. Especially so down the line from the back ........, good! I'm a creature of habit.
Since my wife rarely comes into the office, I have not removed the two flashing lights on the front bumpers. I think it is functional.
I call him "Barbarella" to establish a bit of personal relationship.
Well, this female robot Barbarella welcomes me every morning now with a friendly voice, which I have programmed himself.
So send today. I walk into my office through the door and there is self oscillation Barbarella and extends his left arm around my hat and coat to make and receive.

She turns around and goes up to the cloakroom. In this light their lamps buffer and remains in good time be it.

Then she turns around and strums with the long lashes and shining at me with her blue eyes.

"Good morning, she slept well? May I serve it to them? "A sweet voice. But I will hinaufschrauben after a few bass notes to make it even to make a little more feminine. It sounds better and is doing just well ..

"Yes, Barbarella, please!"
She then turns around again and goes to the little kitchen in the office and then presses a few buttons. I imagine it to me only one, or a little shaky since the middle third of her body back and forth? Should I correct this, or maybe I like it so?
She brings coffee and unintentionally touches the picture of my wife from the desktop.
"I'm sorry!" She bends down and appears unfortunately to the glass and it shatters.
"I'm sorry!"

Well, this does not sound very sincere, yes, must be due to the sound card, it is certain emotion.
The days are always the same, no highlights, but even without friction on the functional settlements with the help of the various robots.
The incoming mail is left out of the pneumatic tube, already open and provided with the entry stamp. The letters dictated to me come automatically from the printer to my right, and signed by me and then disappear at the top drop opening of the desk.
The majority of the correspondence expire at the above e-mails and will be stored.
If one night left the office, then you can switch these helpful robots using a switch on the back of the robot or on the desktop as easy and they still remain in this position until the next morning.
Unfortunately you can not use this Precedes on the private life.
There, you can indeed Maid Type 210 and the gardeners and auxiliary robot, series 600, leave via the switch on the back, which is not with my wife and can not be applied to my mother.
We are working on a new series as I could learn from a secret document from the ministry. It is said to have given many years ago, attempts to inflatable objects. But the research was then adjusted to pressure from the women's organizations.
The literature also was drafted and is only to get hold of.

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