Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2020

Art is relativ; Satire, English

Art is relativART IS RELATIVE

by Joana Angelides

Julia is stunning and my new holiday flame! She blazed next to me at the bar of the hotel's beach cafe and sucked a poison green drink from a large glass through her straw.

When I accidentally touched her elbow with hers, she turned to me and sank her eyes deep into my soul! Apparently she didn't notice my somewhat irritated expression when I saw her piercings. She had a silver nose ring, a small metal ball on the left eyebrow and a ring on the lower lip. Her left ear was framed by about 20 small metal rings and a skull hung on the earlobe.

"Well, brother, are you looking for contact?", Her voice was unexpectedly bright and friendly.

"Always ..." I stammered, but moved away a little anyway.

This gave me the entire left view of my neighbor in focus. The left shoulder was adorned with a wonderful tattoo in the form of a butterfly, accompanied by a green scorpion and countless leaves of an ivy plant that was lost somewhere over her neck on her back. However, I couldn't see what was happening on her right side.

"Are you here for the pictures of Arcor, do you find them so gigantic and expressive? They reveal the mystery of the universe, they make you shiver, don't they? ""

Who was arcor I didn't know that at the moment, but should find out right away.

"I haven't had a chance yet," I stammered sheepishly.

She jerked her almost empty glass onto the counter, slipped off the bar stool, grabbed my arm and pulled me with her. In the back of the room there were a few screens that hid two walls with oversized pictures. I apparently burst into a vernissage.

I stared at the pictures with my eyes wide open, they were indeed incredible, stunning and impressive! They showed orgies of spots of color, randomly applied to the canvas. The predominant colors were red and blue, in between black with yellow, blurred inclusions. Somehow the impression of space and universe could not be completely denied. I had to agree with her.

She raised her right hand, rolled her eyes and pointed to one of the pictures. There was a red swirl in the middle of the picture, blue blurred stripes framed it and yellow dots were lost somewhere to the edge of the picture.

"This was his first work, the genius was born! He celebrated the birth of Gaia, the goddess of the earth and the wife of Kronos! Do you see how the universe opens up? "

I was stunned. How could I not see that?

"And here! You have to let this picture take effect. Here Arcor is somehow influenced by Dali, it shows how time flies and then stops again, how everything revolves around the moment! ”

I stared at the picture. Yes, somewhere between the broad red brushstrokes you might think you could see a black clock hand spiraling around a dark blue stain, or not? So I prefer Dali's pictures!

"Oh yes, ..." I stammered and searched with one eye for the possibility of a retreat.

"And here is the only picture where Arcor uses green! He hates green and this picture shows his hatred for crows. This hatred has haunted him since childhood, since a crow pecked his eye out! ”

Oh yes, that was the answer to the puzzle! A one-eyed painter who could only see and paint one-dimensionally. But his pictures were really impressive. The green in this picture was bright and actually threatened me. Red only happened once in the lower left corner. But black and green argued for dominance in the middle! A crow should be hiding somewhere !? Obviously, slowly, I got a glimpse of modern, non-representational painting for probably the 22nd century! I just wasn't ready for it!

However, we were not the only admirers at this vernissage, and exclamations of admiration and delight were heard all around. Why do I suddenly remember the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

My companion was finally convinced that I was one of the admirers of Arcor, that we have a common line in terms of art and gave me the opportunity to explore her right side of the body in the last days of vacation and there I experienced many a surprise. You just have to immerse yourself in art and explore all the ups and downs and let yourself be absorbed!

Art is relative!

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